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发布人:繁体字网 发布时间:2016/2/10 17:36:19



— ——题记



Abstract: Zhan Tianyou is our country outstanding patriotic engineer, one year, our country to build the first railroad, but some of the imperialists to repair this road, to further control the north of us. The foreigner said: "if the Chinese can take the railway repair, do not intervene. " They think Chinese people are so stupid, certainly can't fix, and finally had to ask for their help, and they are wrong, because at that time, China has been an engineer. Zhan Tianyou is not afraid of difficulties, decided to accept an assignment, careful with their students and workers with great care building railway. After the pass time, because of the high, Iwa Ishihou, he was cutting to the middle from both ends into the method to solve the problem. In Badaling, since the tunnel was very long, he used the central shaft sinking method to solve the problem. In the Qinglong Gorge, because the slope is particularly great, he used the herringbone line method to solve the problem. Finally, the construction of two years earlier completed, to despise Chinese imperialists a strong back. In order to commemorate the patriotic engineer, people in Qinglong Gorge station built a statue of Zhan Tianyou.

Good words: outstanding, obstruct, contempt, sensation, pass, Badaling, difficulties, laughed at, the reconnaissance route, a violent wind is howling., sand sky, climb the mountains, cut into the middle way, central shaft sinking method, zigzag line, back.

Good sentence: Zhan Tianyou is not afraid of difficulties, but also afraid of ridicule, still accepted the task. This is the Chinese people built the first railway, must fix it; otherwise, not only provoke ridicule of foreigners, will make Chinese engineers lose confidence. The railway line was completed less than four years, two years earlier than originally planned. This matter to the contempt of Chinese imperialists a powerful counterattack.

I feel: Zhan Tianyou is a real difficulties are not afraid, afraid of ridicule, always do things for the motherland, to be strict in one's demands, highly responsible, people who love the motherland, I would like to learn from him. After reading, write a composition, to learn the knowledge, to develop more powerful weapons, foreigners are not invade our chinese. China is great! Come on! Come on! Come on!




2、要认真思考:读后感的主体是“感”。要写实感,还要在读懂原作的基础上作出自己的分析和评价。分析和评价是有所“感”的酝酿、集中和演化的过程,有了这个分析和评价,才有可能使“感”紧扣原作的主要思想和主要观点,避免脱离原作,东拉西扯,离开中心太远。 所以,写读后感就必须要边读边思考,结合历史的经验,当前的形势和自己的实际展开联想,从书中的人和事联系到自己和自己所见的人和事,那些与书中相近、相似,那些与书中相反、相对,自己赞成书中的什么,反对些什么,从而把自己的感想激发出来,并把它条理化,系统化,理论化。总之,想的深入,才能写的深刻感人。

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